What are the components of the semester fee?
The current semester fee is composed of
Student union: 63 Euros
Regional semester ticket: 57,80 Euros
State-wide semester ticket: 115 Euros
University sports: 5 Euros
AStA: 11 Euros
How can I order my semester ticket?
You can order the state-wide semester ticket on the NAH.SH website.
Where can I apply for a refund of my semester fee?
The contributions of the AStA, the semester ticket and the university sports can be refunded by the AStA of the MHL:
Gro?e Petersgrube 21
23552 欧洲杯网投_欧洲杯哪里投注-官网直播
For reimbursement of the student union fee, you have to contact the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein:
Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein A?R
Commercial department
Westring 385
24118 Kiel
Which documents are needed for a refund of the semester fee?
For the refund at the AStA of the MHL there is the application "Rückerstattung Semesterbeitrag" (see below). This must be filled out and submitted to the AStA via email or mail together with the following documents:
Proof of payment (e.g. copy of the bank statement)
Proof of justification for the reimbursement (e.g. confirmation from the Office of Student Affairs, exmatriculation, cancellation of enrollment, semester on leave) / confirmation from university abroad, employer (semester abroad, internship) / copy of severely disabled ID).
For the refund of the Studentenwerk fee, the form "Rückerstattung Studentenwerk" (see below) must be filled out and submitted to the Studentenwerk via email or mail together with the documents mentioned therein. Further information can be found on the Studentenwerk website (see below).
What deadlines must be observed?
The application must be submitted to the Studentenwerk before the beginning of the respective semester. The deadline is 01.04. or 01.10. of a year. At the AStA, the application must be submitted at the latest at the end of the first month of the semester (30.04. or 31.10.). A hardship application (see below) can be submitted up to one month before the end of the lecture period. The deadline is 15.01. or 15.06. of a year.
For which reasons can the semester fee be refunded?
- Stay during a semester of at least 15 weeks outside the area of validity of the nationwide semester ticket (purposes of absence: student exchange programs, internships, final theses)
- Semester on leave
- Disability that makes the use of the public transport impossible or due to which the public transport may already be used free of charge
- Cancellation of enrollment or exmatriculation
- Mis-transfers
Is there a hardship case regulation? If none of the above reasons apply, it is possible to apply to the MHL student representatives for a hardship case. In this case, the ticket is still valid and the student representatives will pay part of the semester fee. A case of hardship exists if the payment of the student fees would represent an unreasonable burden according to the circumstances of the individual case. Please contact us personally and we will find a solution. Of course, we will treat your case confidentially.