Inclusion means that diversity is reflected at all levels of society and institutions. Diversity has many dimensions - different gender roles, cultural backgrounds, first languages, religious and ideological beliefs, sexual orientations, family structures, social situations, as well as abilities and limitations.
A guiding principle of inclusion is to enable all people to participate fully in all social activities. In order to achieve this, we at the MHL are constantly questioning mechanisms, power structures and traditions that prevent all people from participating in art and culture.
We especially oblige our students in the music education degree programmes to gain at least one independently organised practical experience in the course of their studies, in which they come into contact with people outside our institution. This can mean, for example, that they attend a concert with people from other cultural or social backgrounds ("KulturTafel 欧洲杯网投_欧洲杯哪里投注-官网直播") or make music for and with people outside the MHL (as part of the "Inclusive Band" at the Vorwerker Diakonie or a self-organised small collaboration with ePunkt e. V.). A cooperation with the Moltsfelde Youth Detention Centre opens up the possibility for students to work in music education with a target group that is often not represented in school contexts. A collection of opportunities for inclusive experiences can be found on the "Inclusion Campus".