The University program Erasmus is one of the great success stories of the European Union.
Erasmus + brings together existing EU programs for lifelong learning, youth and sport, as well as European cooperation programs in higher education.
Applications for an exchange semester at the Musikhochschule 欧洲杯网投_欧洲杯哪里投注-官网直播
At the University of Music 欧洲杯网投_欧洲杯哪里投注-官网直播 (MHL) we accept applications from students of our partner institutions, with whom we cooperate within the framework of ERASMUS + or SWISS EUROPEAN MOBILITY PROGRAMS (SEMP). The official nomination of the home university does not automatically mean an admission to the University of Music 欧洲杯网投_欧洲杯哪里投注-官网直播. Applications can only be submitted via the European Online Application System – EASY Mobility Online We point out that applications outside this portal will not be processed. The decision on the placement can only be made after the entrance examinations for regular students in June / July.
The current lecture timetable (Vorlesungsverzeichnis) can be found
The individual study schedules (Studienverlaufspl?ne) provide information on the courses that can be taken within the modules and the scope of the program in semester week hours (SWS) as well as the period of occupancy. The blue info button will take you to the individual module descriptions.
There is only one deadline for an ERASMUS+ exchange at the MHL. Please apply between February 1st and April 1st for an exchange in winter or summer semester.
Recording Requirements:
Three works from various style epochs, one of which was composed in 20th, or 21st century. Duration of the recording 20 - 30 minutes.
For students with singing major: Four works from various style epochs (one of which was composed after 1920) representing the genres song, oratorio and opera.
Students from Switzerland are also asked to apply via the European Online Application System – EASY Mobility Online.
Lecturers and Staff Mobility
Lecturers and university staff may also participate in the international exchange in the Erasmus + Program. The stay abroad should be at least for a week (= five working days) and a maximum of six weeks. Under certain conditions, stays of less than a week are eligible for aid.
Following document must be submitted
- ERASMUS Mobility Agreement (Teachers)
- ERASMUS Mobility Agreement (Staff)
For further information, contact the Erasmus Coordinator at your home university.