Music Education - Bachelor of Arts and Master of Education
Career prospects
In the consecutive profile Performing Arts (DS), the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes provide the subject-specific prerequisites on the basis of which graduates can apply for a teaching licence for the subject Performing Arts following their traineeship. In addition to the qualification to teach the subject in schools, a wide range of employment opportunities also open up in other social or cultural institutions.
What is behind the profile?
The DS profile is pure theatre practice. Here you can learn extensive acting basics: How do I use my voice correctly, what are the potentials of physical expression, how can I later apply theatre basics practically myself? Theatre history lectures, seminars in contemporary theatre practice and specialist knowledge in event technology help to develop one's own scenic design and artistic practice. School internships, modules in subject didactics, colloquia, scenic project work as well as subject excursions at the interface of school and theatre ensure a great deal of practical theatre knowledge, with which teaching units and performances in the school subject of performing arts can be conceived and carried out at the end of the degree programme.
What is special about the profile?
The DS profile uses the extensive practical networks of the lecturers: Students have the opportunity, among other things, to observe theatre projects with children, adolescents and young adults in cooperation with the Theatre 欧洲杯网投_欧洲杯哪里投注-官网直播 and, if necessary, to realise their own projects, as well as to get to know the subject of performing arts intensively in cooperation with schools as part of a school internship or in their own projects.
Knut Winkmann